This document is featured in the exhibit "From Roses to Raises," section: "Mill Girls 'Turn Out' in Lowell (1834-1836)"
“Petition by Boarding House Matrons to Increase Boarding Charge (July 8, 1835)" Appleton Company Papers, Collection Number 6516, Series VI. Labor, Box 3, Folder 94. Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives, Cornell University Library.
[July 8, 1835]
To the Agent, and Directors of the Appleton Corporation
We your petitioners (tenants in your Boarding houses) are
under the painful necessity of Representing to you
our present embaresed(sic) situation, the unusual rise of provisions
and of almost all necessary articles of family Consumption
is such that we cannot Support a family of Boarders
at the present prices, and pay our rents without rising in
Debt. (to keep Boarders we must provide for them in a Suitable
manner.) We therefore humbly Request your Honours to allow
us Some additional Compensation for Board, — or at least
relinquish our rents (if not permanent,) say for one year, or
until we Can procure our provisions at lower prices than
than we now Can. We would wish to manage & Conduct
with every Degree of propriety — we expect to Conform
to your rules and regulations while we remain your tenants,
if you see fit to allow us some additional Considerations it will be greatfuly(sic)
acknowledged, otherwise the prospect is we shall be under
the Necesity(sic) of leaving your Boarding houses —
Most Respectfully, your Humble Servants.
Lowell July 8th 1835 —
(signatures listed)
Sarrah Merrill
Abigail Field
Susan Dean
Lydia Price
Harriet Carleton
Prudence Flood
Eliza M Meriam
Nancy Dolliff
Salme Rollins
Sarah Wyman
Clarisa Osgood
Mary Keyes
Jane Bobera
Betsy Woodward
Susan Etman
Sarah Ames
Sarah Newton
Elizabeth Gregg
Mary Lymon