WWLP 22 News: Women’s suffrage event at State House marks 100 years since protest

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Women’s suffrage event at State House marks 100 years since protest in Boston

Posted: Feb 28, 2019 / 07:17 PM EST (Source.)

News clip of women standing on Sate House steps.

A century later, close to one hundred women paid tribute to their sister pioneers of liberty and equality. 100 years ago this month, a group of women converged on the Massachusetts State House to protest President Woodrow Wilson’s visit. 

The protesters were pressuring President Wilson to convince the Senate to pass the 19th Amendment, giving women the right to vote.

Those women were arrested and sent to jail, but they continued their fight for equality. Their efforts eventually paid off and the 19th Amendment was ratified on August 18, 1920, giving American women the right to vote.

On Thursday, top women lawmakers reflected on their service to the Commonwealth, and they vowed to help women overcome anything that gets in their way of living a free and prosperous life.

The Women’s Suffrage Celebration Coalition of Massachusetts said the next item on their agenda is getting a woman in the White House.