Suffrage100MA Hosts First-Ever Gala

On June 14, 2023, Suffrage100MA hosted its first-ever Gala at The Liberty Hotel, Boston, honoring longtime supporters and unveiling its upcoming transition into the Massachusetts Women’s History Center (virtual at first) with its flagship program, the Massachusetts Women’s Hall of Fame, taking place fall 2023. 

Suffrage100MA Gala

Governor Maura Healey and Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll served as honorary hosts and Shirley Leung of The Boston Globe led the evening as emcee, joining Fredie Kay, Founder & President, Suffrage100MA. The site of the Gala, The Liberty Hotel, was formerly Boston’s Charles Street Jail, where the last suffragists in the country were jailed for peacefully protesting President Woodrow Wilson at the Massachusetts State House for the right to vote in 1919. See Gala photos below!

Suffrage100MA honored three long-time supporters with awards named for the women depicted in the Boston Women’s Memorial:

  • Nancy Beeuwkes, Abigail Adams Award, presented by Carol Rose, Executive Director of the ACLU of Massachusetts;
  • Senate President Emerita Harriette Chandler, Lucy Stone Award, presented by Senate President Karen Spilka;
  • Charlotte Golar Richie, Phillis Wheatley Award, presented  by the Honorable Linda Dorcena Forry.

Fredie Kay, Suzanne Fischer, Exhibit Coach, and Jon Geldert, Theory One Design, provided a sneak peak at Suffrage100MA’s upcoming logo and website for its upcoming transition into the Massachusetts Women’s History Center with its flagship program, the Massachusetts Women’s Hall of Fame.

Suffrage100MA Board Members Mary-dith Tuitt (Vice President), Georgina Arrieta-Ruetenik (Clerk & Treasurer), Rosaline Lowe (Director), and Hermes Velasquez (Director) encouraged support of the new women’s history ventures, while Julie Beckham entertained with two musical performances.

Thank You to our Gala Supporters!

Honorary Hosts

  • Governor Maura Healey
  • Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll

Sponsor - Visionary

  • Fredie Kay

Sponsor - Champion

  • Nicole & Brian Connolly
  • Jim & Cathy Stone

Sponsor - Advocate

Sponsors - Proponent

And our significant Anonymous Sponsor!

Special Thanks

Feature: Suffrage100MA Looking Back and Moving Forward