Coordinated in Massachusetts by Suffrage100MA (now the Massachusetts Women's History Center), the National Votes for Women Trail seeks to recognize and celebrate the enormous diversity of people and groups active in the struggle for women’s suffrage. The project was funded through a grant by the William G. Pomeroy Foundation® and sponsored by the National Collaborative for Women’s History Sites (NCWHS).
The Trail consists of two parts: 1) a database with 2,364 sites on a digital map and 2) a program of historical markers for over 200 women’s suffrage sites across the country.
Five markers selected for Massachusetts (with their unveiling dates) are:

Anne L. Page, Danvers (May 26, 2022)

Remond Family, Salem (June 23, 2022)

Sarah E. Wall, Worcester (October 24, 2022)

Sojourner Truth, Northampton (May 28, 2023)

Maria Baldwin, Cambridge (September 30, 2023)
- Daily Hampshire Gazette (June 8, 2023): Sojourner Truth Historic Marker Unveiled in Florence
- Patch (Oct. 27, 2022): Worcester’s Most Famous Tax Protester Gets Her Corner Back
- Telegram & Gazette (Oct. 25, 2022): Suffragist Sarah E. Wall honored with marker at location of home that city took in 1863
- Spectrum News 1 (Oct. 24, 2022): Trail marker for women’s suffrage movement leader Sarah E. Wall unveiled in Worcester
- Boston Globe (Aug. 28, 2022): Markers give suffragists their due: ‘If they did it back then, we can do it now’
- Northshore Magazine (June 22, 2022): North Shore Sites Recognized for Viral Role in Suffrage Movement
- Salem News (July 9, 2022): Salem’s Remond family honored with historic women’s suffrage marker
- Danvers Citizen Herald (June 2, 2022): Now, she’s honored with a Women’s Suffrage trail marker
- WBZ News Radio (May 6, 2022): New Historical Markers Honoring Women’s Suffrage History Trail In MA
- Salem News (April 22, 2022): Suffrage Trail honors landmarks in Salem, Danvers
- Daily Hampshire Gazette (Jan. 27, 2022): New historical marker for Sojourner Truth Memorial Park in Northampton